DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2022.27.33.7
How to Cite
Calisto, N. ., Bacci, M. P. ., Predebon, L. ., & Bruno, G. . (2022). Performative effects in practices and discourses on psychoactive substances in Uruguay. Cultura Y Droga, 27(33), 141–162.


Nancy Calisto
Universidad de la República
Perfil Google Scholar
María Pilar Bacci
Universidad de la República
Perfil Google Scholar
Lauren Predebon
Universidad de la República
Perfil Google Scholar
Gabriela Bruno
Universidad de la República
Perfil Google Scholar


Objective: To analyze the effects of language on users of psychoactive substances and their practices from the discourses of actors who participate in the circuits of prescription, marketing and consumption. Method: Based on the results of three research projects, two of them on the use of benzodiazepines (2013-2016) and one on psychoactive substances (2016-2019), the assemblages and performativity of the language referring to these uses are analyzed. Results: The effects of language are observed in the consideration of the self of the consuming subjects from the dependence and dishabituation to the substance, the perception of cultural demands and the assumption of identities linked to the consumption. Conclusions: Reflection on the processes of inclusion/exclusion that certain forms of language performatively generate can provide the conditions for their deconstruction and show how certain 
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