How to Cite
Castrillón Valderrutén, M. D. C. . (2005). Comunidades terapéuticas para dependientes químicos: entre “teoterapias” y “laicoterapias”. Cultura Y Droga, 10(12), 107–138. Retrieved from


María Del Carmen Castrillón Valderrutén
Universidad de Brasilia


ABSTRACT THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITIES FOR CHEMICAL DEPENDANTS: BETWEEN “THEORTHERAPIES” AND “LAYTHERAPIES”  This dissertation includes the reflections on the dilemmas which occur in the field of social construction of individual identities in modern contexts of social relations. In order to carry out this reflection, the analysis spaces with well defined social frontiers, both in discourses and in practices, are taken as the basis. Therapeutic communities refer to the “rehabilitation” of toxic substance dependents or, as they are known in popular language, “drug addicts”. Toxic substance dependents, due to their particular  identity, configured by certain social values as prohibited, find refuge within these spaces of individual cure, aiming to transform the social stigma in other ways of being legitimized by society as a whole. In this way, the therapeutic aims of these forms of cure, lead toward the constitution of rehabilitation projects which seek to transform the stigmatized identity because the “drug addict” builds a life style which violates ethical and moral orders of modern society, which institutes imperatives of human
welfare and social integration. Two ideological orientations mediate the relationship between the therapeutic community and the “addict in recuperation”. One of these is of a Christian (religious) nature and the other is referred to in this dissertation as lay. From these orientations the therapeutic communities elaborate projects of social subjects (models of identity) which try to give an answer to the dilemmas and challenges which modern society establishes in processes of constitution of its

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