How to Cite
Mejía O, W. ., & Toro Z, G. . (2003). Migraciones y micrográfico: el caso del Eje Cafetero. Cultura Y Droga, 8(10), 184–209. Retrieved from


William Mejía O
Universidad de Caldas
Germán Toro Z
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: Migration and drug smuggling are currently two crucial processes for Colombian society in general and for some regions in particular. Internal and external migration has a long history, having multiple destinations abroad though highly selective in their origins. The coffee-growing region has had a high proportion of migration processes in the country, both inside and outside; the latest has reached historic proportion lately, and its effects are evident. Drug smuggling, on the other hand, has been one of the most desolating calamities which have hit Colombia in the last three decades, altering not only the economy but also the social structures, the habits and cultural speeches, relations of power, etc. At the beginnings of the 21st century, both people and drugs export have become two of the most notorious national connections of global economy. This paper mentions some relationships between those processes as well as their connections and effect, in one of the regions which was, until recently, the most prosperous and stable of the country.

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