How to Cite
Marulanda M, T. ., & Rico, C. . (2003). Manifestación arquetípicas con el consumo de yagé. Cultura Y Droga, 8(10), 43–64. Retrieved from


Tulio Marulanda M
Universidad de Caldas
Carolina Rico
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract: The “revelations” reached in the experiences with yagé and other entheogenes use to be mental “representations” charged with images. It has been sought to understand the value that they may have, for the psychic life of the people that experiment them, the images represented mentally under the effect of entheogenic substances. For this, it has been considered that they are “archetypal images since forms or representations of a conscience archetype are known as ‘archetypal images’ and are considered as such since they are ‘universal guidelines or motives born from the collective unconscious’” that Jung observed and researched for years. It is started from the assumption that what emerges or bursts during the experience with enteogens are contents of the collective unconscious, given the similarity that these images or visions share, with those reported by other groups that have had experiences of the same kind, in contexts and places which are completely different.

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