How to Cite
Fericgla M., J. M. . (2003). Las experiencias activadoras de estructuras en el desarrollo individual y de las sociedades. Cultura Y Droga, 8(10), 19–42. Retrieved from


Josep Mª Fericgla M.
Universidad de Caldas


Abstract:Theoretical and historical bases of ethno-psychology are established. Also their relation with anthropology and studies of culture from the biological condition of the human being that lives in society, standing out the field of experiences as culture socialization and construction scenarios from the transcultural and transgenerational mental realities that make part of the basic network in the life of each person, understanding contents openly constitutive of the essence of the psychic life of humans exposed in the article as a unit for analysis of the investigations carried out by the author, the experiences around activating experiences of individual structures in societies, which permit modified states of conscience about death, oriented in academic frameworks from the epistemological and methodological proposal of ethno-psychology with the experiential workshops of the death that the author has directed and in which around two thousand five hundred people have participated since 1998.

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