How to Cite
Espinosa, N. . (2004). Coca, coqueras y cocaleros etnografía Ilícita de la vida campesina en la Macarena. Cultura Y Droga, 9(11), 113–152. Retrieved from


Nicolás Espinosa


 ABSTRACT:The article exposes the way in which the coca crop is configured as a social practice in the rural communities of The Macarena, in Southeastern Colombia. Starting from field work carried out for several years and a particular ethnographic exercise amid a coca crop where the leaf was collected and processed. A series of reflections are elaborated, discussing the role of the Colombian State, that regarding a problem of social characteristics, it offers a criminal treatment. This article offers a series of contextual elements that can contribute to the consolidation of the aforementioned argument: the so-called “illicit crops” are a social problem that involves farmers, non criminals.

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