How to Cite
Carranza Reyes, R. (2009). A relation between jungian psychology and the wisdom of shamanism. Cultura Y Droga, 14(16), 141–162. Retrieved from


Rafael Carranza Reyes
Instituto Mexicano de la Pareja


This article presents the theoretical relation between modern psychology and the ancestral wisdom and knowledge of the shamanic culture. Finding a relationship between these theories could offer a valuable method concerning the developing conflicts that occur in the early stages of life, which is the origin of society’s current dysfunctions and disorders. Therefore, this might be of importance to everyone that could be interested in the future of psychology, as well as the shamans of indigenous cultures, that were and still are the community’s psychologists, in today’s spiritual awakening, uniting the body’s, mind’s and spirit’s healing. Thus, it might offer an opportunity to contemplate the possible origins of psychotherapy and an esoteric healing in specific terms relating to culture and contemporary psychology. The psychologist and shaman, consider the symptoms regarding the whole identity within the specific context and circumstances. Nevertheless, inspire of their differences, both seek healing of the communities’ suffering.

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