How to Cite
Salazar Medina, M., & Guarate Coronado, Y. C. (2010). Experimental theoretical assumptions of the interview in depth in the addictions. Cultura Y Droga, 15(17), 113–128. Retrieved from


Maritza Salazar Medina
Universidad de Carabobo
Yeisy C. Guarate Coronado
Universidad de Carabobo


The purpose of this essay has been to work the in-depth interview technique, specifically in the field of addictions, within the framework of the qualitative paradigm and subjectivity as its theoretical support, citing the internal and methodical dynamic of the interview which implies: the ethno-sociological perspective, the speakinglistening therapeutic space, the induction process, empathic relationships, holistic environment and the closing of the interview. The documental testimonial method has been applied. There are many consumers who have been devoted to reconstruct their lives trying to return to society. Investigating this phenomenon from the vision of its own protagonists is the best source. For this reason, this essay pretends to narrate some experiences obtained during the process of interviewing consumers where the ability of the interviewer, the knowledge about the problem, as well as the documents review about this technique, play a fundamental role for the success of the investigation.

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