How to Cite
Reyna Pinedo, V., Carbajal Felipe, M., & Carbajal Rodríguez, . J. (2010). Ethnomedical study of San Pedro Mesas II. Mesas of Marcos Carbajal F. 2009. Cultura Y Droga, 15(17), 29–46. Retrieved from


Víctor Reyna Pinedo
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima
Marcos Carbajal Felipe
Jorge Carbajal Rodríguez


This research article is based on a “case closed” ethnomedical study held in 2009 in the northern coast of Peru. It’s a descriptive inclusive study carried out by means of participant observation in 55 sessions in which 227 patients were treated in order to verify the therapeutic properties of the Peruvian traditional medicine known as Mesas con San Pedro which is performed by the healer Marcos Carbajal (who makes part of the research group). For this purpose a consented follow up of patients, who had been treated previously with conventional medicine without satisfactory results, was carried out.

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