DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2021.26.31.7
How to Cite
Moreno Ospina, M. I. ., & Osorio Sánchez, L. M. . (2021). Visionary educational communities: reflections on the social use of drugs. Cultura Y Droga, 26(31), 139–156.


Manuel Ignacio Moreno Ospina
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar
Luisa María Osorio Sánchez
Universidad de Caldas
Perfil Google Scholar


The objective of this research article was to reveal the perceptions, beliefs and practices that the Educational Community of the Mariscal Sucre College (Manizales, Colombia) has about the social use of drugs. The applied methodology was Participatory Action Research (PAR), with a mixed approach (Sampieri, 1998), using some techniques such as body mapping and the focus group. The theoretical orientation is Social Constructionism (Gergen and Gergen, 2009). Conclusions: 1) The beliefs revealed by the parents made reference to the conception of drug use as a social problem that began to be apprehended in educational establishments. 2) The prohibitionist and sanctioning stance of the phenomenon of drug use is shared by the teachers of the educational establishment, who are located in that adult world and who perceive the educational establishment as a place that has become a focus of outlets. 3) adolescent perceptions of the phenomenon of drug use are related to that youthful world characterized by the impetus to experience in the first person what happens, in the case of this process what is related to drug use, the meanings and meanings given to it, which refer to a lifestyle issue.

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