How to Cite
Pineda Miranda, U., & Martínez Castañeda, E. D. (2011). Hired killer: Mexico-Colombia. Cultura Y Droga, 16(18), 73–94. Retrieved from


Ulises Pineda Miranda
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana México
Enrique David Martínez Castañeda
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana México


The hired killer is a character who has emerged recently into the public light in the mexican society., through the mass media thanks to the “war on drugs” in which daily executions and confrontations are counted between armed groups, and police and military forces. The hired killer is one of the most evident characters in this bloody fight for the market control. This research offers an interpretative analysis from audiovidual material (texts) found in the social network You Tube, in which the main actor is the hired killer. Our task has been to infer the hired killer own representation in Mexico and the significances underlying his discourse construction.

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