How to Cite
Rojas León, R. (2014). Tourists in Ayahuasca. Ethnography of a shamanic service in the bolivian jungle. Cultura Y Droga, 19(21), 35–56. Retrieved from


Rodrigo Rojas León
Universidad de Chile


Ayahuasca is a psychotropic brew that native peoples of the South American tropics have consumed ritually for thousands of years for healing, religious and divinatory purposes. These uses and practices captured the scientific and popular interest, particularly since the second half of the twentieth century, within a context of profound cultural, economic and political changes in the western world.  Consequences of the internationalization of ayahuasca are the expansion of its use in urban areas in Europe and the Americas, as well as the diversification of rituals and specialists adapting to new requirements and specificities of each user. In order to contribute to the understanding of this subject, part of the results of an exploratory-descriptive research about a case of a Chilean healer in a tourist area of the Bolivian jungle offering ayahuasca ceremonies to people of different nationalities, mostly young tourists between 20-35 years, will be introduced. The study is based on 15 weeks fieldwork, practicing participant observation, conducting interviews and casual conversations, addressing two observation units as follows:  first the services offered by the healer and his concepts about the use of the brew, and secondly, the accounts of patients about their experiences during the rituals.  Recurring topics such as sensorial alterations, visions, healings, travels and encounters with imaginary beings are discussed throughout the article.

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