How to Cite
Arias López, A. (2015). Back to Maloka. The american ancestral knowledge as a basis for contemporary musical creation. Cultura Y Droga, 20(22), 86–101. Retrieved from


Andrés Arias López
Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero


Objective. This article synthetizes a process of sound creation and interdisciplinary research whose purpose is to unite music, ancestral knowledge (especially AndeanAmazonian), bodywork and technological resources, proposing a process of inner transformation that makes possible the return to the ontological roots of the Americas through sound creation. Methodology. The article is based on the ritual experience and the meetings with the “knowers” of the Kamëntsá community of the upper and middle Putumayo, revealing with this search the importance of orality, the knowledge conceived from the action, and the recognition of the ancestral as a resource of vital importance for the conception of new paradigms. Results and conclusions. The importance of surrounding biological and cultural miscegenation, that redefine in the individual and the collective during the artistic process, was elucidated considering an emergent need to cross-link academic canons with concepts, shapes and structures of the traditional knowledge transmitted by the ancestors.

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