How to Cite
Vinasco Barco, J. A. (2016). The social construction of disease: a critique of the proposed medicinal cannabis in Mexico from the theories of identity and social representations. Cultura Y Droga, 21(23), 74–90. Retrieved from


Jaime Andrés Vinasco Barco
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte


Objective. Do a critique ―based on theoretical notions of identity, social representations and social construction of what is a reality― to the proposals of legalization and/or regulation of medical cannabis in Mexico. Methodology. The reflection article is based on literature and statistics constantly reviewed by the author in order to advance the PhD thesis that is being developed. His argument is based on the main ideas of the theories of identity and social representations, as well as to question some of the public policy proposals that are being considered in Mexico to regulate and/or legalize medicinal cannabis. Results. In this document it is shown that the consumption of drugs in Mexico ―specifically Cannabis― is not necessarily a public health problem. From the theories of identity and social representations, it also reveals that the disease is within a level which is “socially constructed”, symbolic, and imaginary. It is presented as a natural world of knowledge, an everyday reality that is rarely questioned. Conclusion. ‘Medicalize’ the cannabis in Mexico and to label the consumer of cannabis as a “patient”, would be an unfortunate action that would generate more problems than solutions.

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