DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2018.23.26.8
How to Cite
Murillo Medina, C. A. (2018). The consumption of psychoactive substances in young students of an educational institution of the municipality of Neira (Caldas-Colombia), a case study from the perspective of inclusive education. Cultura Y Droga, 23(26).


Carlos Alberto Murillo Medina
Institución Educativa Neira


Objective. This article is the product of research called: The consumption of psychoactive substances in students of the Institución Educativa Neira of the Department of Caldas, a case study in the framework of inclusive education. Methodology. The narrative biographical’s approach was used in the research as a tool in the search for the construction of meanings, interactions and interrelations among different factors and actors. In the analysis of the collected information it was passed from simple understanding to a deeper understanding of the investigated phenomenon, this understanding was mediated by a guide axis that was the possibility of reconstructing the classroom practices in the Educational Institution. Results and conclusions. The research allowed to reveal the different horizons of sense of the young students about the consumption of psychoactive substances, moreover, to reveal the main factors that have determined the ages of beginning and the type of consumed substances.

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