DOI: 10.17151/culdr.2019.24.27.3
How to Cite
Scuro, J. (2018). Drugs in the Uruguay-Brazil border: perceptions of legal and security agents during the implementation of the law for the cannabis market regulation in Uruguay. Cultura Y Droga, 24(27).


Juan Scuro
Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII)


Objective. To analyze the perception of security agents and actors of the Uruguayan justice system in the border area with Brazil in relation to the new regulation policy of the cannabis market in Uruguay. Methodology. in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted in the cities of Artigas, Rivera, Río Branco and Chuy. Discussion. the areas analyzed were related to: general impressions about the law; the effects of the law on security issues; impressions on drug users in general and, particularly, marihuana users. Results. Lack of awareness of the regulations in the border area and uncertainty regarding the efffects on security were identified. The main problem that links "drugs" and "security" is freebase cocaine, not marihuana. Conclusions. There are no significant changes worth mentioning. Drug users have more
freedom to bring to light their habits in public and, therefore, have an easier access to marihuana.

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