In the Putumayo Department, is the locality Angostura (Municipality of Puerto Asís, Corregimiento La Perla Amazónica). Due to the lack of botanical studies in this municipality, and the great reserve of existing plant and cultural resources, the main objective of this work was to document ethnobotanical knowledge, focused on the uses and management that its inhabitants have on useful flora. In this research, a field phase was developed, where free listings were made with 127 informants, which allowed determining 187 useful plants in different categories of use, of which the following stand out: Sawmill (80), Construction (72), Food (55) and Medicinal (54) species. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to assess the influence of sociocultural variables on the knowledge of plant use, performing multivariate analyzes and causal models of quantitative ethnobotany. The cultural significance index (ICS) yielded: 31 species with Very High Significance, 60 High, 80 Moderate and Low Significance 15 species. The most common form of management in plant collection areas is selective incipient management, followed by simple collection. The UPGMA analysis and the causal model show that the knowledge about useful plants of the inhabitants of locality Angostura is directly influenced by sociocultural factors such as age and educational level; while factors such as gender and occupation are independent.
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