How to Cite
Rubio G., J. D., & Valencia M., C. A. (2009). Comparative study of the female reproductive system in three Nymphalidae species (lepidoptera: papilionoidea) in Colombia. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 13(2), 117–125. Retrieved from


José David Rubio G.
Camilo A. Valencia M.


This work describes and compares the female reproductive system of Ithomia alienassa (Ithomiinae), Heliconius charihtonia (Heliconiinae), and Actinote equatoria (Acraeinae). Ten females per species were collected; their abdominal region was anatomized for the extraction of their reproductive system. Through optical microscopy, the analysis of the reproductive systems evidenced that both the form and size of the ovarioles vary in each species, as well as the other constitutive parts of their reproductive system, determining the reproductive strategy developed by each species.

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