How to Cite
Bohórquez O., A. F., Sanín, D., & Silva E., N. W. (2012). Arboreal structure and composition in el diablo woodland (San Félix, Salamina, Caldas), high andean forest in the colombian central mountain range. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 16(2), 39–52. Retrieved from


Andrés Felipe Bohórquez O.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
David Sanín
Instituto de Investigación en Estratigrafía (IIES). Universidad de Caldas
Nixon Walter Silva E.
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales


The structure and arboreal composition of a high Andean forest in the Colombian Central mountain range, which is located in the Caldas department at an altitude of 3,100 m, was characterized. Such ecosystem has been reduced and simplified due to the expansion of potato crops and livestock activities. The dynamics and arboreal composition of a 0.1 ha, transect is described using five 50 x 4m plots , where all of the individuals with a DAP > 1.5cm were accounted for, stem and total height. One hundred-three individuals were registered, belonging to 42 species and morph-species, distributed in 40 genera and 34 botanical families. Weinmannia pubescens and Hedyosmum bonplandianum were the species with greatest ecological importance (40.9% and 26.7%, respectively). The families with the higher IVF were Rubiaceae 40,4%, Cunoniaceae 37,2%, Podocarpaceae 27,5% y Melastomataceae 23,1% The interval between 7.8 – 10 m height had the highest species count. The total basal area was 2.88m2 from which 22.7% were represented by Weinmannia pubescens. Despite the human intervention history and the frequency of young arboreal individuals, it was observed the presence of tree species characteristic of an advanced succession status, which also present a high risk of extinction, due to their commercial value (e.g. Podocarpus oleifoliusPrumnopitys montanaRhodostemonodaphne laxa and Turpina occidentalis). Therefore it becomes necessary to develop ecological restoration programs with native species that allow the conservation of these resources and the constant provision of environmental goods and services in the region.

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