How to Cite
Tovar, J. L., Narváez Solarte, W., & Takahashi, S. E. (2014). Bases for the colombian Gallus gallus domesticus (Phasianidae) conservation in the department of Caldas. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 18(1), 112–122. Retrieved from


Jorge Luis Tovar
William Narváez Solarte
Universidad de Caldas. Manizales
Sabrina E. Takahashi
Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná


Creole hens in Colombia have not been characterized or categorized satisfactorily, being their productive flair as well as their diverse phenotypic features almost completely unknown, reason why preserving the native strain becomes a priority, especially because of their habitat destruction and the scarce knowledge of these strain which place the native genome at extinction risk. The genetic material of the country has its origins in the Gallus bankiva (Gallus gallus ssp.). This research was carried out in the influence zone in the rain forest of Florencia in Samaná, Caldas. The totality of creole mature hens and roosters found in farms of the region was analyzed to obtain the categorization and characterization.  Information was gathered in a survey form integrated by qualitative and quantitative variables in which the phenotypic feature of the hens was registered.  A multivariate analysis was used to group the individuals through the multiple correspondence methodologies in the SPAD.N statistics program that allows bringing together similar individuals with similar characteristics in homogeneous groups.  As a result of the analysis, seven factorial axes were obtained and five resultant groups that explain the 70% of variance, analyzing 47 active variables which grouped 98% of the animals. The main phenotypic features were: feathers' color, eyes, beak, crest form, size, and body weight. Group one was the one with brown birds with the gold gene effect (ss); group two was dominated by color black representing 26% of the population that was analyzed; the third group was made of the 11% of the population formed by white birds with the (c/c) gene; group four gathered the 11% of the yellow or blond individuals; and lastly, group number five got together birds with barred plumage by the presence of the Barred (B-b) gene. In the rain forest zone in Florencia, creole phenotypes with dark plumage take precedence as they are less vulnerable to predators; it is a germplasm adapted to the conditions of the region where color brown is dominant.

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