DOI: 10.17151/bccm.2017.21.1.5
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Rodríguez Currea, H. J., Marulanda López, J. F., & Amaya, C. (2017). Rhynchophorus palmarum L. 1758 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) management methodology based on kairomones, pheromones and semiochemicals in plantations chontaduro [Bactris gasipaes (Arecales: Arecaceae)] in Riosucio, Caldas. Boletín Científico. Centro De Museos, 21(1), 59–67.


Héctor Jaime Rodríguez Currea
Jhon Faber Marulanda López
Cristian Amaya


High levels of R. palmarum in chontaduro plantations mean the major limitation on crop yield. Based on the above, this research aims to evaluate the trapping of R. palmarum as an alternative to the indiscriminate use of chemical synthesis insecticides as conventional control for this pest. The trap design consisted of a 20 l gallon with lateral windows for the access of insects and inside there was fermented pineapple peel and sugar cane independently fermented in water and molasses for three days. Both semi-chemicals work separately in 30 ml vials with two 1 mm holes; Rhynchophorol C pheromone was used to increase the number of catches. A total of 3,106 adults of R. palmarum were collected. The collections are mainly associated with the stimulation of the endocrine system of the above mentioned insect by the semi-chemicals. Thus, at the time of arrival and stay in the trap and by chemical ecology, insects release aggregation pheromones and catches are enhanced. These results, in turn, have a perspective in the management of this important first order pest from a trapping that is harmless to the environment, is economic and therefore in line with the current needs of the farmers. Finally, this trap design does not require chemical synthesis insecticides for its operation which therefore, lowers the costs and risks to the ecosystem.

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