How to Cite
Baeza de la Fuente, M. (2009). Body and rite in the performance of “Colonial Women” of the Calderona Theater. Revista Colombiana De Artes Escénicas, 3, 88–102. Retrieved from


Macarena Baeza de la Fuente

Profesora de Actuación, Verso, Teatro Antiguo. Conforma la compañía de teatro e investigación La Calderona, de la Facultad de Artes de la P.U.C.

Universidad en Providencia


“Colonial Women” began to brew up in my head during the second semester of 2007. It was during my Master courses where I was able to read several Latin American and Chilean research studies specialized in the history of women in Latin America and writings by colonial women. These materials weren’t new to me, but the approach provided by the professors was. The most interesting fact was that I was able to arrive, taking another road, at the same subjects and topics I had been working with: colonial women and their writing practices. During this period I carried out the compilation of written materials, and the theoretical research for my thesis project. During the first semester of 2008, between April and July the theater company read and discussed these materials, along with determining details for the laboratory work and the performance. From August until November the drama and scenic research was carried out. The end product was presented in December 2008 and January 2009 in courts and hallways of the East Campus of the University. Based on that performance and on the entire research, I am currently working on my Master’s thesis that should be finished during the first semester of 2010.

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