Accepting Donna Haraway’s invitation to think of ourselves as cyborgs like hybrids between machines and organimsm, the objective of this article is to
inquire about the possibilities of building truth as cyborgs in contemporary scenes. To achieve this purpose, the proposal is to problematize the acting
techniques, transgender and representation notions, and to open questions about how to build scenes with these cyborg bodies. Knowing that there is only reappropriation of a prosthesis world without revealing nature, training and acting composition should be designed in other ways. It may be worth playing surfaces without seeking the scenic truth, looking for partiality, irony, intimacy and perversity. Maybe it is necessary to engraft other prostheses and
simulate the pleasures that want to be generated.
In the line of intersection between theater, Anthropology and other social sciences, body techniques to produce “truth” on stage in a “post-organic” world will be investigated and tools to get into acting techniques from the perspective of cyborgs, prosthetic bodies made in interference between humans, animals, natures, organ machines, plastics, chimeras and realities will be looked for. How to build effective scenes with these bodies?
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