How to Cite
Castro Beltrán, A. ., Betancur Pérez, . J. F. ., Orozco Avila, J., & Palacios Palacios, L. (2015). Characterization of the quality of vermicompost in rural farming systems in the municipality of Atrato, Chocó, Colombia. Agronomía, 23(1), 35–51. Retrieved from


Ariel Castro Beltrán

Posgrado en Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente, Línea de investigación en Biosistemas Integrados, Universidad de Manizales, Grupo de investigación Actividad Farmacológica (DARIEN). Grupo de investigación Tecnnosalud, Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó.

Universidad de Manizales
Jhon Fredy Betancur Pérez
Universidad de Manizales
Javier Orozco Avila
Universidad de Manizales
Leider Palacios Palacios
Universidad Tecnológica del Chocó


TIntegrated biosystems, are sustainable organic production systems that minimize production of waste and evidence reduction of the environmental impact they generate. Also this systems are a commercial alternative through the production of vermiculture, compost, bio-fertilizers, biofuels and food. From the use of chicken manure, cowpat and pig slurry substrates, their performance in obtaining vermicompost was characterized in the Multipurpose Center “Monte Las Palmas” (Municipality of Atrato, Choco-Colombia). For the evaluation of the quality of the vermicompost produced, an experimental design in randomized complete block with three replications was established. The treatments were: chicken manure, cowpat and pig slurry mixed with agricultural waste. In addition, the bromatological composition of the worm meal in the three substrates was determined. The results show that the compost obtained presents particular significant differences in the content of organic carbon, ash and organic nitrogen while, at the level of vermicompost, the best result was for chicken manure, followed by pig slurry and in third place was cowpat. However, there is no significant difference between the substrates in their physicochemical composition before their processing through vermiculture composting, reflecting a somewhat homogeneous quality in the use of any of them for vegetal nutrition. Among worm flours in their physicochemical composition there were no significant differences; the best was the resultant of the vermicompost of pig slurry protein with 68%, followed by cowpat and chicken manure with 59% and 48% respectively, coupled with the presence of lipids, carbohydrates and minerals (dry matter, ether extract and ash) that allow giving added nutritional value to the use and exploitation in agricultural systems at local and regional level in Chocó.

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