How to Cite
Silva Molano, R. F. ., Eraso Acosta, M. F. ., Villalobos Garrido, M. E. ., & Loaiza Echeverri, A. M. . (2007). Comparison between polypropylene and polyamide as suture elements for the canines skin. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 1(1), 36–40. Retrieved from


Raúl Fernando Silva Molano
María Fernanda Eraso Acosta
Universidad de Caldas
Mauricio Ernesto Villalobos Garrido
Universidad de Caldas
Ana María Loaiza Echeverri
Universidad de Caldas


ABSTRACT: Two suture monofilament nonabsorbable elements were evaluated, Polypropylene and Polyamide (fishing nylon) implanted in the skin of twenty canines, divided in two groups. This estimation was put in practice by means of the qualification of the local inflammatory reaction and with the presence or absence of dehiscence in the suture; ten days after the stitches were taken away. Using the polypropylene as suture material, a significant statistic difference (P<0,05) between the inflammation levels was seen in the following manner: absent 8%, minimum 69% of the cases, and moderate 23%. As for the use of Polyamide, a significant statistic difference (P<0,05) was seen in regards to the minimum inflammation level with a 66.5% of the cases, with regards to the other levels. The comparison between the kinds of suture (polypropylene y polyamide) didn’t show a significant statistic difference (P≥0,05) based on the different grades of inflammatory reaction provoked by them, and in none of the cases where they were used, they didn´t cause a severe inflammatory reaction, nor were there significant statistic differences in the evaluation of the incident of postsurgical dehiscence during the following ten days. This work also infers that under the conditions and the parameters evaluated, no significant differences were found between the materials used to fasten the coetaneous tissue in canines.

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