How to Cite
Silva Molano, R. F. ., Grajales Galindo, N. L. ., Mejía Henao, R. A. ., & Loaiza Echeverri, A. M. . (2007). Evaluation of ovariectomy by means of boarding paracostal and angiotripsy, as method of sterilization in canine. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 1(1), 29–35. Retrieved from


Raúl Fernando Silva Molano
Universidad de Caldas
Nadia Lorena Grajales Galindo
Rosa Alejandra Mejía Henao
Universidad de Caldas
Ana María Loaiza Echeverri


ABSTRACT. With the objective of evaluate the ovariectomy technique by means of a paracostal approach and angiotripsy, as a sterilization method, forty seemingly healthy canine females were taken, without distinction of race, size, weight, but older than 7 weeks of age. Twenty of these were subjected to ovarioectomy by means of a approach paracostal and angiotripsy, and the remaining ones were subjected to the conventional ovarihisterectomy by means of celiotomy. During the development of the work the following parameters were analyzed: total times of each surgical technique, times used in each phase of the implemented techniques, number of points obtained at the end of the synthesis phase of each procedure, quantity of blood observed during the course of the surgical act, qualification of the scaring type with possible complications and comparison of costs per kilo of lived weight in the surgical techniques employed. All of the procedures, pre, trans and postsurgical, as well as the qualitative evaluation information, was carried out always by the same person. The obtained results showed that the ovariectomy is a sterilization method of quick execution, less invasive and more economic in comparison to the ovariohisterectomy. The present work permits concluding that the ovariectomy with a paracostal approach and angiotripsy of the ovarian vases is a reliable sterilization method and of easy execution that can be an employee with a higher frequency.

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