How to Cite
Yépez Giraldo, J. A. ., & Castaño Ramírez, E. . (2007). Art as a social awareness element in the Veterinary and Animal Science Students. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 1(2), 9–19. Retrieved from


Julián Andrés Yépez Giraldo
Elmer Castaño Ramírez


ABSTRACT: This work invites the reader to recognize the cultural expressions that are constructed in the university atmosphere, that become almost imperceptible in programs like Veterinary and Animal Science, full of technical and scientific components, where human manifestations such as the arts are not thought to have a place. This analysis was made on the influence exerted by art and the artistic activities on the degree of social awareness of the students of the Veterinary and Animal Science Program of the Faculty of Agriculture and Livestock at the Universidad de Caldas. By scrutiny to 600 students registered in the Veterinary and Animal Science Program (100% of the population), 227 students answered, and from these, the number of people who carry out artistic activities combined with their academic work was determined. With individual interviews, the artistic tendencies of the students were detected, such as the vision that each person has of art and of the technical program and the influence that the artistic activity has had on their lives and labor inclinations, as well as the social awareness levels linked to the aesthetic perception. The results showed that the development of art and an aesthetic conception is reflected on the personal formation, in the understanding of cultural diversity and in the social awareness of the students.

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