How to Cite
Giraldo Salazar, L. F. ., Loaiza Echeverri, A. M. ., Botero, S. Ángel ., & Uribe Velásquez, L. F. . (2008). Serum metabolic parameters and body condition during pre and post-calving in Brahman cows. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 2(2), 40–47. Retrieved from


Luis Fernando Giraldo Salazar
Ana María Loaiza Echeverri
Santiago Ángel Botero
Luis Fernando Uribe Velásquez


ABSTRACT: In order to describe the changes in the energetic metabolism from one month prior to calving   and up to one month post-calving and its relation with possible body score (CC) changes, twenty Brahman cows were selected from the Mid Magdalena River Valley in Colombia. Venous blood samples (10 mL) using the Vacutainer®  system were taken four weeks prior to calving and four weeks postpartum. Glucose, triglycerides, total cholesterol, high- density lipoproteins (HDL), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) concentrations and body score were evaluated. The twenty cows were distributed in two groups (1: ≤ 7 CC and 2: ≤ 8 CC). The results were analyzed using the variance analysis. A significant reduction (P<0.05) in the glucose values was observed, and highly significant (P<0.005) in HDL lipoprotein fraction, being more outstanding in cows with a lower CC; as well as a highly significant increase (P<0.005) in LDL fraction concentrations in cows with a better CC. Regarding the other parameters, no significant changes were appreciated. In conclusion, the Brahman cows studied present a moderate negative energetic balance that does not affect the body’s energetic reserves due to low milk production and adequate nutrition. Brahman cows with a lower body score during the experimental period (≤ 7) presented more problems to obtain energetic balance.

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