How to Cite
Endo Takahashi, S. ., Mendes, A. A. ., Komiyama, C. M. ., Alves de Souza, H. B. ., de Lima Almeida Paz, I. C. ., Garófallo Garcia, R. ., Moreira, J. ., Balog Neto, A. ., & Manente Boiago, M. . (2009). Effect of electric stunning and debone procedure on pale meat occurrence in broiler chickens. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 3(1), 61–69. Retrieved from


Sabrina Endo Takahashi
Ariel Antonio Mendes
Claudia Marie Komiyama
Universidad Federal de Lavras
Hirasilva Borba Alves de Souza
Ibiara Correia de Lima Almeida Paz
Rodrigo Garófallo Garcia
Joerley Moreira
Augusto Balog Neto
Marcel Manente Boiago


ABSTRACT: An experiment was conducted in order to evaluate the effect of electric stunning and debone procedure on pale meat prevalence and meat quality characteristics of broiler breast meat. At 42 days 120 male Ross broilers were sampled, which were obtained from a commercial poultry farm with capacity to produce 10,000 broilers, raised under the same management and feeding. Parameters were evaluated in a 3 x 2 factorial scheme arranged in a completely randomized design with three types of electric stunning (none, 40 and 90V/high frequency for both – 800Hz) and two debone procedures (immediately after slaughtering and normal debone after carcass chilling); the waiting time used in the experiment was 4 hours for all chickens. Occurrence analysis was performed      on 10 chickens per treatment comprising 60 samples, evaluating pH, color, protein denaturation, exudate loss, water retention and absorption capacity, cooking loss and shear force. The results were submitted to Variation Analysis and afterwards to the Tukey average comparison test for the variables with significant statistic difference, using the GLM (General Linear Models) procedure of the statistics program SAS (SAS Institute, 1996). The use of different types of stunning resulted in pale breast meats and chickens which the electric stunning was not used showed higher L◆ value. Broiler carcasses which were not chilled showed higher weight loss due to cooking. Based on the conditions in which this experiment was undertaken, electric stunning and debone procedure did not influence pale meat occurrence and meat quality characteristics.

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