How to Cite
Apráez Guerrero, J. E. ., Fernández Pármo, L. ., & Hernández González, A. . (2009). Evaluation of the reproductive behavior of caged and penned guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 3(1), 25–31. Retrieved from


José Edmundo Apráez Guerrero
Lissette Fernández Pármo
Alejandro Hernández González


ABSTRACT: This study evaluated the behavior of guinea pigs in different housing systems. The experimental setup entailed the use of 160 guinea pigs (Cavia pocellus) from the Macabea strain which were distributed in two treatments, following a random block design. The first group of guinea pigs was kept in 16 brick and cement pens, while the second group was placed in 16 metallic cages made of galvanized wire. Each pen or cage contained four females and one male; their reproductive age was four and three months respectively, using an intensive and continuous breeding system. The reproductive females were kept with the male and newborns up to their 21 days of age. The feeding system consisted of 30g/d of concentrated food and grass (Pennisetum sp.) free access for the reproductive parents. No significant statistical differences were found between both treatments regarding the productive indicators analyzed in both parental and offspring populations. The results showed that the “seasonal effect” had no influence on fertility, prolificacy, litter size, birth mortality, and the offspring behavior after the weaning period was the same as previously reported for the species. Finally, it was demonstrated that it is feasible to produce guinea pigs under Cuban environmental conditions for consumption purposes, using systems based on few ingredients and a high percent of economic yield.

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