How to Cite
Ramírez Pérez, H. A., & Uribe Velásquez, L. F. (2010). Heterosis: another alternative for bovine production systems. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 4(1), 52–62. Retrieved from


Hugo Alejandro Ramírez Pérez
Universidad de Caldas
Luis Fernando Uribe Velásquez
Universidad de Caldas


The crossing of Bos taurus x Bos indicus cattle, in this specific case Holstein x different Zebu breeds, are a great option of profitability for Colombia to face the challenge of the free trade agreement with Europe. The total benefit that accompanies the filial generation one is explained by the greatest heterosis that occurs in it, because it has the 100% of its loci taken by one gene of each breed crossed, resulting in the greatest racial heterozygosis possible. Holstein is the breed with the greatest known potential for milk production if it receives the necessary quantity of energy; but profitability not only can be measured from that point of view because there are other indicators that affect the production economic level. Besides, the benefits already known given by zebu breeds such as rusticity, resistance to infectious agents and decrease of requirements, this paper puts together information of economic importance about the performance of these crosses, such as calving interval, age at first calving, milk yield and terminal crosses calves weight.

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