How to Cite
Muñoz Acosta, A. H., Ortega Montenegro, C., Sanguino Ortiz, W. R., Ceballos Ruiz, B. L. ., & López Macias, . J. N. (2010). Evaluation of three types of food an diet in post-larvae in Chad Amazon (Brycon melanopterus, Cope 1872). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 4(1), 42–50. Retrieved from


Alfonso Hernando Muñoz Acosta
Universidad de Nariño
César Ortega Montenegro
Universidad de Nariño
Wilmer René Sanguino Ortiz
Universidad de Nariño
Bráulio Leonel Ceballos Ruiz
Universidad de Caldas
Jorge Nelson López Macias
Universidad de Nariño


The effect on growth and survival when providing a commercial diet with 32% of crude protein, spirulina (S. platensis) and Artemia (A. franciscana) as unique diet of first feeding, was studied in post-larvae Amazonian Shad (Brycon melanopterus) in the feeding laboratory of the Amazonian Experimental Center, Corpoamazonia. An evaluation of 3,600 post-larvae with a mean weight of 1.6±0.48 mg and length of 5.3±0.10 mm was carried out. The post-larvae were confined in aquariums and divided into three treatments with three replicates, as follows: control (commercial balanced diet supplemented in 15% biomass proportion); treatment 1 (spirulina (S. platensis) distributed at a 4,000 to 5,000 cells/post-larvae rate); treatment 2 (brine shrimp, A. franciscana, supplied at 10 nauplii/post-larvae rate). The food was distributed five times a day during a period of 15 days; statistically significant survival differences were observed. The best result was recorded in treatment 2 with 48% survival rate in relation to the control treatment and treatment 1 with 13% and 22%, respectively. Meaningful, differences in the weight and length increase were also registered, and the result presented show that the treatment 2, with 5.4mg of weight, and 8.5 mm length was the best. While the control and treatment 1 presented 2.6 mg of weight and 4.9 mm of length, and 3.2 mg of weight and 5.1 mm of length, respectively. The results show that the inclusion of brine shrimp is an alternative for the production of fry Amazonian shad (B. melanopterus) because it improves the productivity and profitability rated during the post-larva stage.

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