How to Cite
Ortega Salas, A. L., Rodríguez Vargas, . C. J. ., & López Macías, J. N. . (2010). Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Carp Pituitary Extract (CPE) and human chorionic gonadotropina (hCG) in induced breeding of Patía catfish (Rhamdia quelen). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 4(1), 16–22. Retrieved from


Alba Lucy Ortega Salas
Universidad de Nariño
Carlos Julio Rodríguez Vargas
Universidad de Nariño
Jorge Nelson López Macías
Universidad de Nariño


The study was developed in the fish culture station “Las Tallas” attached to the Regional Corporation of Cauca, located in the geographic coordinates: latitude 02° 06’ 22” N and longitude 077° 25’ 15.4”W, to an altitude of 670 m.a.s.l, average annual precipitation of 2000 mm, an average temperature of 25.24°C. Thirty six adult fish were evaluated, with an average weight of 217.91±48.14 g and total length of 31.7±2.83 for de female fish, and an average weight of 137.20±13.18 g for the male fish with total length of 26.97±0.86 cm. A completely radom design was used, made up of four treatments distributed in the following way: T0 natural reproduction, T1 5.5 mg/kg of extract of hypophysis (EPC), T2 5 IU/g of Human Corionic Gonadotropin (hCG), and the T3 with 2 IU of hCG/g and 4 mg/kg of EPC. The T0 did not present positive answer. The rest of the treatments were 100% effective in the artificial reproductive process, estimating the hormones effect in relation to the ovulation index, number of oocytes, percentage of fertilization and hatch. Considering the weight as a co- variable in the number of mature oocytes obtained, it was determined that T2 produced a greater amount of ovules (332,602 oocitos/kg) with statistical significance (P<0.05). However, the fertilization and hatching percentages did not present significant differences between T1, T2, T3 treatments, in such a way that the percentage of fertilization was 32% for T1; 31.09% for T2; 32.5% for T3. The hatching percentage was 12% for T1, 9.43% for T2, 11% for T3. As far as the economical analysis is concerned, it was established that treatment T1 registered the best relation cost-profit.

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