How to Cite
Aricapa, H. J. ., Jaramillo, A. ., Martínez, J. M. ., & Suikan, F. . (2010). Serological monitoring for Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in swine, from birth to 14 weeks old. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 4(2), 37–47. Retrieved from


Hector Jaime Aricapa
Universidad de Caldas
Alberto Jaramillo
Juan Manuel Martínez
Francisco Suikan


ABSTRACT: Respiratory diseases are considered one of the most important health problems in pork production. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae is considered the primary most important bacterial agent with low mortality, reduction of average daily weight gain, feed conversion and damage to ciliated epithelium in respiratory tract and lungs. This study evaluated actual protection conferred by vaccines against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in sows and their piglets. Serological tests were performed in nine commercial farms using blood samples from 83 randomly selected females between 90 and 95 days pregnant and from parities one through five. The experiment  was designed in a 2x2 vaccination factorial of presence or non vaccination in sows and their piglets. From each litter four piglets were randomly selected and identified for testing and sampling was repeated at weeks 2, 4, 6, 9, and 12. A total of 1,835 blood samples were processed using an Elisa test using a commercial IDEXX laboratories kit. The vaccine used was Respisure®. The comparative analysis of the 4 treatments in the piglets demonstrated that serological titles against Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in piglets were higher in piglets from vaccinated females than in all other groups (P<0.01), ensuring protection against the disease and suggesting the  importance of vaccinating both sows and their piglets. 

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