ABSTRACT: Production and quality of ejaculation as well as libido and plasma testosterone levels in bucks change throughout the year induced by day length, with respect to either increasing or decreasing photoperiod, depending on the latitude at which animals are kept. Aiming to assess the presence or absence of influence of the season or of rainfall on reproductive and annual concentrations of testosterone, eight adult Saanen bucks were kept at a 20°16 ‘S latitude, submitted monthly to the collection and evaluation of semen, scrotal circumference and jugular venipuncture in order to obtain plasma and later to determine testosterone levels by radioimmunoassay during twelve months,grouped in the dry (June-November) and rainy (December-May) seasons. The results were analyzed by ANOVA and means were tested using Tukey, Wilcoxon and Z tests, depending on the characteristics evaluated. We found significant differences (P <0.05) only between scrotal circumference and total sperm concentration by period. The other characteristics of semen (volume, vortex, progressive motility, spermatozoa count and morphology) and plasma testosterone concentrations did not change throughout the year (P> 0.05). With these results it was concluded that there is no marked seasonality of the Saanen bucks in this latitude, allowing the use of animals in reproductive management, throughout the year.
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