How to Cite
Apráez Guerrero, . J. E. ., Fernández Pármo, L. ., & Hernández González, A. . (2011). Evaluation of different forms of presentation of Guinea pig meat (Cavia porcellus). Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 5(2), 24–29. Retrieved from


José Edmundo Apráez Guerrero
Lissette Fernández Pármo
Alejandro Hernández González


ABSTRACT: Guinea pigs from both sexes were used in the development of this investigation which were slaughtered at 12 weeks of age. The fresh carcases were slaughtered responding to 7 presentations: complete with head, complete without head, cut on strips, cut in quarters, boned, ground meat and live animals.  Subsequently, a survey was conducted among 60 people who consumed seven samples corresponding to each one of the treatments. In general consumers preferred slaughtered animals since they considered it too complicated to have to slaughter the animal at home. As far as sausage products are concerned, mortadella and sausage were prepared following the original recipes which became the control. Guinea pig meat was used instead of beef and partially instead of textured soy in order to  originate two new products: guinea pig mortadella and guinea pig sausage. It was found that the replacement of beef for guinea pig meat in the making of sausage improved the production acceptance in 21.67%. The statistical analysis showed significant differences for the “I like it a lot” categories, where the highest values were for guinea pig sausage; on the other hand, the “I dislike it a lot”, “I dislike it very much” and “complete rejection” categories, were for beef sausage, thus corroborating the superior acceptance of the guinea pig product.

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