How to Cite
Urrea Chávez , . A. M. . (2012). Regenerative medicine with platelet rich plasma: a therapy for tendonitis in equines. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 6(1), 79–86. Retrieved from


Angélica María Urrea Chávez


ABSTRACT: Tendonitis is considered one of the most frequent conditions which affect the soft tissues. This condition may appear in horses of any kind of the equestrian discipline, resulting in significant economic loss for the equine industry. Nowadays, a variety of medical techniques area available to correct tendon injuries but, in spite of the multiple treatments that have been proposed, they have not obtained a full functionality. Within this context, regenerative medicine offers the perspective of repairing the structure and normal or almost normal function of the injured tendon, resulting in the satisfactory reestablishment of the activity without the risk of reinjuring. Recently, the use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has been considered as therapy for tendonitis in equines, due to its nature, its apparent biological effect and its low local reaction. All of these beneficial effects make of this treatment one of the most studied in these past years. This bibliographical compilation summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of PRP treatment as well as the techniques presently proposed for its attainment and application method for the treatment of tendonitis in equines.

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