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Meza Sepúlveda, S. ., & Sepúlveda Cárdenas, S. . (2012). Effect of electrical conductivity and water level on the Suckermouth Armored Catfish (Ancistrus triradiatus) reproduction under experimental conditions. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 6(1), 37–46. Retrieved from


Santiago Meza Sepúlveda
Sofía Sepúlveda Cárdenas


ABSTRACT: The effect of electrical conductivity and water level on the reproduction of the Suckermouth Armored Catfish (Ancistrus triradiatus) was investigated under experimental conditions. Breeding animals used were obtained from the natural environment (Caño Grande, town Acacías, Meta). Animals were fed a balanced ration (45% protein) during three weeks for adaptation to captivity. Later, they were moved to twelve experimental ponds with 0,78 m3 volume, in a sexual proportion of 1:2 (male-female) and a density of six animals/pond. Six experimental treatments were performed each with its replica, which were distributed as follows: T0-Control (0 µS/cm y 15 cm), T1 (5 µS/cm y 15 cm), T2 (5 µS/cm y 30 cm), T3 (10 µS/cm y 15 cm), T4 (10 µS/cm y 30 cm) and T5 (0 µS/cm y 30 cm). The experimental period was eight weeks, at which time total length and weight was measured, the behavior of the animals was observed. Physical-chemical parameters of water were monitored. Not found statistically significant differences (P>0.05) between the treatments on the weight, length or condition factor of the females; however, when evaluated independently the water level and electrical conductivity of each of the treatments, significant effect was found (P≤0.05) on weight and length (P<0.05) for the first variable, and significant effect (P≤0,05) on condition factor for the second variable; in the experimental period a total of five spawns were observed in three treatments: T0 (12.5%), T3 (25%) y T5 (25%); indicating that electrical conductivity and water level are possible determinants for Ancistrus triradiatus reproduction allowing their maturation, ovulation and spawning in captivity conditions. 

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