How to Cite
Motta Delgado, P. A. ., Rivera Calderón, L. G. ., Mariño Aldana, A. ., & Lizcano Penagos, C. E. . (2012). Productive and reproductive performance of F1 Gyr x Holstein cows in Colombian warm climate. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 6(1), 17–23. Retrieved from


Pablo Andrés Motta Delgado
Luis Gabriel Rivera Calderón
Alejandra Mariño Aldana
Christopher Ernesto Lizcano Penagos


ABSTRACT: Milk production in the intertropical region has been based on the crossbreeding of Bos taurus taurus and Bos taurus indicus breeds generating high hybrid vigor individuals as the F1 with high productive, reproductive and resistance to the environment potential. The productive and reproductive milk performance of F1 Gyr x Holstein cows was tested in a warm climate dairy ranch in Cartago, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Registers for age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI), milk production during lactation and lactation persistency in the double purpose bovine production, based on the crossbreeding of cebuínas and Holstein breeds and in milking system  twice a day with calf and supplementation support per milking batch group were evaluated. The AFC average was 35.4±5.49 months; the CI was 455.9±129.8 days; milk production was 3306±922 kg for all population, with 2779.03±910.08 kg lactation productions in the first one, 2908.33±593.86 kg in the second one, 3051.30±485.89 kg in the third one, 3326.20±855.28 kg in the fourth one, 3570.44±803.47 kg in the fifth one, 4085.67±859.41 kg in the sixth one, 4234.95±1077.99 kg in the seventh one, and  4348.17±903.40 kg in the eighth one, with a 52.42±20.00% lactation persistency in general and 53.8±19.2% in the first lactation, 60.4±29.9% in the second, 50.8±12.5% in the third, 42.6±16.00% in the fourth, 52.6±16.7% in the fifth, 51.5±11.8% in the sixth, 51.8±12.3% in the seventh and 59.7±24.8% in the eighth. In conclusion the productive performance in F1 Gyr x Holstein cows in a double purpose system with calf support is satisfactory, and also the crossbreeding showed increase in milk production up to the eighth lactation.

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