How to Cite
Darío Martínez, R. ., Néstor Fernández, E. ., Nidia Abbiati, N. ., Abal, A. A., & Cabrera, J. . (2012). Characterization of bovine permanent incisors. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 6(1), 9–16. Retrieved from


Rubén Darío Martínez
Eduardo Néstor Fernández
Nora Nidia Abbiati
Adrián Abal Abal
Jorge Cabrera


ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to characterize central permanent incisors from two groups of cattle defined according to breed and environment. Eight teeth from Patagonian native cattle raised in the province of Buenos Aires (GCP) and seven from indicus cross (GCI) native of the province of Santa Fe were used, on which measurement variables were: dentin hardness (DH) on three depths (D1), (D2) and (D3), average hardness of enamel (AEH), average dentin hardness (ADH), tooth width  (TW), central enamel thickness (CET) and enamel roughness (ER). To evaluate DH ANOVA and random regression were used through mixed models. Linear correlation analysis, principal components analysis and the classification trees technique were used for the study of associations and groupings among variables. DH increased with depth and was higher in GCP. Differences between groups were not found on CET and TW. ER resulted to be lower in GCP, where it was associated in a positive way with CET and MDH, unlike GCI in which negative correlations of MDH were found with CET and ADH. ER was the variable with higher discrimination power between groups. DD  increases with depth. GCP proved to have higher DH and lower ER. Groups manifested different associations among variables and ER was the one that best discriminated them. This raises the need to advance the study of genetic determinism of evaluated characteristics.

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