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Baquero Parrado, J. R. . (2012). Bovine neonatal septicemia clinical assessment and treatment. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 6(2), 89–111. Retrieved from


Johann Ricardo Baquero Parrado


ABSTRACT: Neonatal septicemia is an important cause of bovine neonatology morbidity and mortality, which is characterized for the presence of pathogenic microorganisms and their compounds in the bloodstream. Failure on passive transfer of colostral immunoglobulin (Ig), poor sanitary conditions in the calving pen and improper umbilical care among others causes predisposes the neonate to the development of the disease. The umbilical, uterine, gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract infections may be infection routes. The clinical signs are generally nonspecific such as fever or hypothermia, tachycardia, tachypnea, sclera injection, hypopyon, omphalophlebitis, polyarthritis, hypoglycemia, decreased suckling reflex, ataxia, seizures, recumbency, acid-base imbalances, haemostatic alterations leads to reduction in venous return, myocardial depression and systemic vascular resistance with progressive hypotension unresponsive to vasopressors which leads to the systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS), multiple organ dysfunction syndromes (MODS), septic shock, and death. The diagnosis is often made by clinical history and physical examination but the key evidence is blood culture. An aggressive treatment must be established with antimicrobial therapy broad-spectrum (based selection on blood culture and sensitivity patterns preferably), antiendotoxin therapy, respiratory, cardiovascular and thermal support should be addressed along with adequate nutritional supply. The preventive strategies consist in ensuring adequate passive transfer of Ig through colostrums consumption and umbilical care, maintaining a clean environment, and ensuring appropriate reduction of calf exposure to pathogens. 

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