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Motta Delgado, P. A. ., Murcia Ordoñez, B. ., Beltrán González, J. L. ., Peñaloza Galeano, M. E. ., & Collazos Perdomo, F. A. . (2013). Productive and reproductive performance of F1 cows stimulated with recombinant bovine somatotropin (r-bST) in warm climate. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 7(2), 105–116. Retrieved from


Pablo Andrés Motta Delgado
Betselene Murcia Ordoñez
Jorge Luis Beltrán González
Milton Emiliano Peñaloza Galeano
Fabio Augusto Collazos Perdomo


ABSTRACT: the productive and reproductive performance of F1 cows Bos Taurus taurusx Bos Taurus indicusstimulated with recombinant bovine somatotropin (r-bST)was evaluated.  A randomized block design with three groups and unequal repetitions was used: T1 (n = 23), T2 (n = 16) and T3 (n = 30), three applications, nine applications, and control,  respectively. The milk prodution was evaluated per treatment, per number oflactations, per days on lactation(DOL), per reproductive state, and reproductive performance (in terms of demonstrating zeal, and pregnancy). The T1, T2 and T3 milk production was 20.80±3.71; 17.50±2.71 and 12.46±2.34 kg, respectively, with statistic difference  (p<0.05) between the averages of the three groups; only T2 tended to increase. Milk production by lactation for L1 (1-2 lactations n = 12), L2 (3-6 lactations n = 15) and L3  (>6 lactations n = 12) was 18.69±3.21; 20.88±3.46 and 18.43±3.01 kg, respectively, where only L1 tended to increase, existing statistic difference between L2 with L1 y L3  (p<0.05). The milk production by DOM was of 18.54±3.39 and 17.99±2.78 kg for cows smaller and bigger than 100 DOM, respectively, not existing significant difference (p<0.05). The reproductive state improved at the end in T2 y T3 with the 100 and 93% of the cows served or pregnant, while it stayed equal in T1 with 52% of the cows served or pregnant, and also the empty ones produce more milk than the pregnant ones. In conclusion, cows treated with r-bST produce more milk than the not- treatedcows; they increase the milk production with nine applications without effect on reproductive performance. 

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