How to Cite
Gámez, H. J., Ramírez, C. ., & Aguirre, D. (2013). Fermentation kinetics of Lactobacillus plantarum at a rich culture medium as a potential probiotic. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 7(2), 37–53. Retrieved from


Henry Jurado Gámez
Universidad de Nariño
Cristina Ramírez
Universidad del Valle
Diana Aguirre
Universidad del Valle


ABSTRACT: The objective to determine the kinetics of growth of Lactobacillus plantarum in culture medium enriched as potential probiotic. The strains of L. plantarum 1 were tested with MRS
commercial medium, and 10 g/L white sugar, 15 g/L soy milk, 150 g/L whey, 15 g/L wheat bran (Medium 4). The variables were evaluated during the kinetics: determination of pH, plaque viability (CFU/ml), determination of total sugar, determination of organic acid production, and evaluation of biomass production. The best results for viability in the medium 4 (M4) were for L. plantarum 1 H1 and L. plantarum 1 H2 with values of 3.0 x 1012 and 6.0 x 1011 CFU/ml at 12 hours made the kinetics.The evolution of final pH was 4.21 and 4.07 respectively for each strain. The total sugar and lactic acid production in the medium 4 for L. plantarum 1 H1 showed values of 8.90 g/L and 17.66 g/L. For L. plantarum 1 H2 showed values of 10.8 g/L and 13.16 g/L  respectively. During the fermentation process carried the two strains tested reach values greater than ofμh-1. However, it is of note that between the two bacteria the best μh-1 was introduced in L. plantarum 1 H1 and hence, the cell doubling time is lower. L. plantarum 1 on the medium 4 shown to be optimal as probiotic inoculums can be evaluated in piglets as an
alternative to antibiotics. 

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