ABSTRACT: The behavior and management indicators consist in non-invasive quantitative criteria for cattle, which allow tracking during the inspection, surveillance and control activitiesbythe sanitary authorities inslaughter plants. In turn, they may be part of the programs of quality assurance in the industry during its implementation, improvement and audit, in order to avoid economiclosses, facilitate the management of livestock, ensure the meat safety and prevent occupational hazards. Thevariables measuredare: 1) Percentage of animals effectively stunned in the first attempt; 2) percentage of animals that remain stunned; 3) percentage that vocalizes during conduction; 4) percentage that fall during handling; and 5) percentage moved with an electric goad. The scoring system is a standardized measurement that can be easily implemented in both large and small bovinesslaughter plants. The aim of this review was to present and propose behavior indicators in the stunning box and sensitivity to assess animal welfare during the cattle slaughter in commercial plants.
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