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Romero Peñuela, M. H., Uribe Velásquez, L. F., & Sánchez Valencia, J. A. (2014). Effect of pre-slaughter handling on the characteristics of bruises in beef carcasses into two Colombian slaughter plants. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 8(1), 01–16. Retrieved from


Marlyn Hellen Romero Peñuela
Universidad de Caldas
Luis Fernando Uribe Velásquez
Universidad de Caldas
Jorge Alberto Sánchez Valencia
Universidad de Caldas


ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of pre-slaughter handling on the characteristics of bruises and identify the risk factors. A cross sectional-study was conducted on 2081 Zebu cattle in two commercial slaughter plants. Transport conditions, lairage, severity, extend, and location of the bruises was evaluated. The prevalence of bruising was 61%, finding significant differences in the prevalence in both slaughter plants (A = 37.5%; B = 91.9%; P<0.05). The bruises in ischial tuberosity (Tuber isquiadicum), hip bone (Tuber coxae) and the loin (Longissimus dorsi) were the most frequently observed (21.3%, 27% and 16.6%, respectively). The multivariate logistic regression model showed that slaughterhouse and sex of cattle were associated with the presence of bruising (P<0.01). The stocking density between 350 and 400 kg showed an inverse association with the presence of bruises (P<0.05). The results suggest that the lack of implementation of animal welfare practices at the slaughterhouses   increases the risk of bruising on carcasses. 

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