DOI: 10.17151/vetzo.2015.9.2.7
How to Cite
José, Edilson Quenán, Y. ., & Giraldo-Jiménez, L. . (2015). Lactate and glucose levels in blood plasma of dogs during the first hour of surgery. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 9(2), 79–89.


Universidad de Caldas
Yoccner Edilson Quenán
Universidad de Manizales
Leonardo Giraldo-Jiménez
Universidad de Caldas


Animal surgery generates a surgical-metabolic stress product of anesthesia and other processes during surgery that forces the body to condition its basal metabolism. The goal is to compare the levels of glucose and lactate in blood plasma of dogs undergoing surgery under general anesthesia, analyzing their correlation during the first hour of surgery. Blood plasma samples were obtained from 19 Creole breed fasting, adult dogs between males and females, which entered different surgical procedures under general anesthesia. The results were analyzed through the IBM SPSS Statistics 23 program. The levels of glucose (mg/dl) in patients before surgery, according to the mean present values of 99.47± 14.51, and subjected to surgery under general anesthesia effects, depending on time have the following values: 91.68±18.97, 104.21±38.09, 115.31±34.42 and 117.15±30.62. Statistically significant difference (P<0.005) was observed. Lactate levels (mmol/L) in patients before surgery, according to average, have values of 2.47±1.2 and those undergoing surgery under general anesthesia effects depending on time have the following values: 2.23±0.98, 2.4±1.32, 2.02±1.002 and 1.7±1.5. It is observed that there is no statistically significant difference (P>0.005). In all patients metabolic stress was detected with subsequent elevation of glucose levels in the first hour of the surgical procedure, while lactate levels did not have significant variations.

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