DOI: 10.17151/vetzo.2015.9.2.4
How to Cite
Bermúdez-Loaiza, J. A. ., Melo-Camacho, E. P. ., & Estrada-Álvarez, J. . (2015). Whole orange (Citrus sinensis) silage assessment as an alternative supplementation in cattle. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 9(2), 38–53.


Jaime Alberto Bermúdez-Loaiza
Universidad de Caldas
Edna Paola Melo-Camacho
Universidad de Caldas
Julián Estrada-Álvarez
Universidad de Caldas


The inclusion of whole orange fruit silage in 26 bovine females F1 (Holstein x Zebu) 8 years old average, 508kg of body weight, five births and 184 days of lactation, was evaluated during an experimental period of 28 days (7 for adaptation and 21 for sampling), divided into two groups randomly: the H0 control group (n=13) underwent conventional food from the farm and the H1 group (n=13) for which 30% of commercial concentrate was replaced for the same amount of orange silage MS (35kg). Production changes, percent of total solids, crude protein, total fat, and pH, acidity of milk and ruminal pH were evaluated. The data were subjected to variance analysis (ANOVA model type III) in the statistical package R® resulting in multiple comparisons of least squares means for which the Tukey-Kramer test was used. Results showed a highly significant difference between treatments for milk yield (P<0,001) showing a decrease of 20.5%. an average and mean standard error (PE) of (7,838±0,339L) for the H0 group and of (6,229±0,342L) for the H1 group. The total solids differed significantly between treatments (P<0,0180) with a PE (11,011±0,361) and (12,266±0,361) for the group H0 and H1 respectively, achieving an 11,4% correction. Significant changes between treatments (P<0.0189) were evident and highly significant changes between moments (P<0.0001) for milk pH were shown. Furthermore, highly significant variability was evident between moments for crude protein (P<0,0180) and milk acidity (P<0,0004). Despite the variations found, the results of this study indicate that whole oranges silage is a viable option for cattle feed and animal performance.

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