DOI: 10.17151/vetzo.2016.10.2.4
How to Cite
Carlos-Erazo, N. ., Pomahuacre-Gómez, E. ., Recuenco-Rojas, F. ., & Capuñay-Becerra, C. . (2016). Hematological parameters of red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) kept in captivity in the Department of Madre de Dios, Peru. Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 10(2), 42–52.


Nancy Carlos-Erazo
Universidad Alas Peruana
Eugenia Pomahuacre-Gómez
Universidad Alas Peruana
Fernando Recuenco-Rojas
Universidad Alas Peruana - Práctica privada
Carmen Capuñay-Becerra
Universidad Alas Peruana - Práctica privada


Hematological parameters provide important information on the health status of wild animals, especially those subject to conservation programs. The red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) is found in Peru in a vulnerable state, so any information about its biology or health is important. The aim of this study was to determine the hematologic parameters in the red howler monkey (A. seniculus) kept in captivity in the department of Madre de Dios. This study consisted of 28 individuals from two rescue centers (10 from the Taricaya Ecological Reserve and 18 from the Rehabilitation and Conservation Center Amazon Shelter) corresponding to 15 females and 13 males. After physical and chemical contention, one ml blood sample was obtained from the femoral vein, placed in a vacuum tube with EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) and stored at 4°C until analysis was obtained. The following results were obtained: red blood cells 4.15±2.84 x 106/µl; hemoglobin 10.57±2.50 g/dl; CHM 26.69±2.46 pg; MVC 81.33±9.21 fl; CHCM 32.97±1.65 g/dl; hematocrit 33.20±4.73%; leukocytes 9.24±2.90 x 103 /µl; neutrophils 5.25±2.39 x 103 /µl; eosinophil 0.72±1.09 x 103 /µl; basophils 0.03±0.04 x 103 /µl; lymphocytes 3.20±1.71 x 103 /µl; monocytes 0.23±0.24x 103 /µl; and platelets 277.46±71.90 x 103 /µl. No significant differences by gender or age of primates analyzed were found, showing difference in values of eosinophil, basophils and monocytes by place of origin.

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