DOI: 10.17151/vetzo.2020.14.1.7
How to Cite
Reina-López, A. ., & Enríquez-Ordoñez, L. . (2020). Defensive hygienic and productivity behavior analysis in Apis mellifera for queen selection and breeding in the Nariño department . Revista Veterinaria Y Zootecnia (On Line), 14(1), 79–94.


Alejandra Reina-López
Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia–Lope SENA Regional Nariño
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Luis Enríquez-Ordoñez
Centro Internacional de Producción Limpia–Lope SENA
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Nariño department has great potential for beekeeping activity as its diverse climate supports the growth of a wide variety of melliferous flora. Nonetheless, the beekeeping activity in this region plays a minor role in the agricultural sector. The low development of this activity can be partly explained by the lack of technology transfer, limited unionization, and lack of knowledge of bee handling, diseases, and defensive behavior. Objectives: To assess the defensive, hygienic, and productive behavior of Apis mellifera for queen selection and breeding in the Nariño department. Methods: The study was conducted in four towns located in the Nariño department. Five hives in production were selected from one apiary in each town. The variables assessed were: defensive behavior, hygienic behavior, varroa infestation in worker brood, varroa infestation in adult bees, and honey production. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated between each of these variables and the climatic factors reported by each town during the assessment period. Results: The removal of dead bees ranged between 82.6% and 90.6% in the four apiaries; hence, the hives were considered to be hygienic. A high level of varroa infestation in adult bees was observed in one of the apiaries (8.38%), and the defensive behavior was remarkably high in all the apiaries assessed. Conclusions: Honey production showed a negative correlation with precipitation (P < 0.001), suggesting the adverse effect of increased precipitation on honey production.

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