DOI: 10.17151/rlef.2023.15.1.7
How to Cite
Trujillo Galeano, A., Andrade García, L. A., & Puentes Barcenas, K. K. (2023). Effects of parental communication practices on internalizing behaviors in adolescents. Latinoamericana De Estudios De Familia, 15(1), 129–144.


Angela Trujillo Galeano
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Perfil Google Scholar
Laura Alejandra Andrade García
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios
Karla Karime Puentes Barcenas
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios


Abstract. Adolescence is a transition stage that includes physical, cognitive, emotional, behavioral and social changes. Because of this, the role of parents during this stage is very comple, and the stability and balance of these factors are subject to the type of relationship and communication that parents have established with their children. Objective: to describe the effects of parental communication practices on internalizing behaviors from the perspective of a group of adolescents belonging to an educational institution in Medellín (Antioquia). Methodology: a qualitative approach was used with a descriptive-comprehensive phenomenological design. The applied instrument was the semistructured interview and the focus group had a sample of nine participants. Results: it was found that adolescents who presented depressive behaviors such as low mood, sadness, feelings of loneliness and insecurity, demotivation, low self-esteem and anxiety showed little closeness with parents, “cohesion” perceived in the lack of affective expressions by them. Among the findings, it was found that adolescents who manifested experiences of parental communication from “inflexibility” (imposition of rules with rigid expressions, rigid tones, threats of punishment and communication imposed by the parents) presented internal behaviors of depression, anxiety and unsafety. Conclusions: one of the aspects that influences the well-being and quality of life of adolescents are parental communication practices, reason why the importance of psychoeducation for parents in relation to these skills and family functioning was highlighted.

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